Lisianthus is grown in NZ as an annual plant for the florist market. The plant is native to the Southern USA and Mexico and its common name is the prairie gentian.  Eustoma grandiflorum is the correct botanical name; and the plant is in fact a memeber of the Gentian family.

The blooms of lisianthus have a delicate appearance and the colours available include creamy green, cream, white, pinks, mauve, and deep purple; with several picotee, or bicolour forms also available.  There are single and double flowered forms; the doubles looking almost rose like in apperance.

Very popular cut flowers for bouquets and weddings in the summer and autumn; the lisianthus open flowers show the strongest colour when cut, whilst the buds open to progressively softer shades of the open flower colour.

This year we are growing lisianthus for the first time in our garden; our plants will be autumn blooming.  The plants are a challenge to grow from seed, as the seedlings are very small and slow growing.  The plants like extra lime and pottasium in the soil for best growth; and enjoy a sheltered sunny spot that is well drained in the garden.  The plants grow from 30cm to 70 cm tall, but tall varieties require support as the stems are not woody.

Long lasting in the vase, the lisianthus although not the cheapest of flowers to buy are a delight to have in the house.